On Thursday, March 30, 2017, Casey & Devoti Partner Matt Casey presented the ‘End Distracted Driving’ program to 85 sophomores at Bishop DuBourg High School in St. Louis. This interactive presentation is done free of charge and offers the sobering statistics of the current safety crisis, shares true stories of the costs of distracted driving, and offers simple steps that drivers can use immediately to help themselves and others around them End Distracted Driving.
“Distracted driving is a huge problem for people of all ages – not just teens. And, it involves much more than just texting and driving. Those are the main messages we want to get across to these young drivers,” said Matt Casey. “We want them to be aware of the consequences of a driver taking their eyes off the road for any reason – whether it’s them, their parent or their friend who is driving distracted. The presentation offers insight and concrete solutions to the problem that can be implemented right away.”
Bishop DuBourg Principal Bridget Timoney was especially impressed with the impactful videos highlighted throughout the presentation. “Some of the videos are very poignant and moving, while others are a bit humorous. Having those multi-media pieces that touch on different emotions is key because it really helps drive the message home.” Timoney went on to say that in the past the school has asked students to create their own PSA videos on various topics, such as drinking and driving and texting and driving. She felt the distracted driving message would be another great topic for the students to explore using their creative writing and video editing skills.
In 2014, Partners Matt Casey and Matt Devoti teamed with EndDD.org (End Distracted Driving) to become authorized speakers for the ‘End Distracted Driving’ Student Awareness Program. Over the last three years, they have delivered the presentation to over 4,000 students at nine different high schools throughout St. Louis and southeastern Missouri.
EndDD.org (End Distracted Driving) was established to raise awareness and generate action against the epidemic of distracted driving. It was created by Joel Feldman and Dianne Anderson, after their daughter Casey Feldman was hit and killed by a distracted driver.
Since April 2012, more than 400 professionals have given presentations to more than 325,000 teens and adults. Matt and Matt are thrilled to be part of the network of speakers who volunteer their time to give presentations in the St. Louis area. The firm is currently booking presentations for the fall of 2017. If your organization would like to book a presentation, please contact Lara Vitiello at (314) 409-0996 or lmv@caseydevoti.com.